WeeFin Advisory

Bridging the gap between finance expertise and technology to start a revolution

Future of financial services is being significantly determined by advancements in technology. To really become customer-centric, financial industry must enter in the “Digital Native” age and appropriate expectations of this generation. People are looking for tailored services, immediacy and transparency that latest technology can offer.

We foster finance managers to become fully technology oriented to invent inovative and competitive products.

Our principles

Adopting “Digital Native” culture

“Customer centric” approach is the key to success of technology companies. By leveraging the scalability of their data management tool, they quickly produce value. Gap is widening with traditional players. They have no other choice but to become “Digital Native” at short term to stay in the competition.

Thinking out of the box

Breaking the old rules is a must have to reinvent finance industry. We help our clients to think out of the box to create new ideas and engage transformation.

Driven by ethics

Tomorrow’s finance will be more sustainable and closer to social and environmental stakes. Committment to socially responsible investment (SRI) is a must have to regain investors confidency.

Leveraging sustainability

Transforming your organization to become more agile and technology oriented to be part of market revolution. All our missions include a knowledge transfer period to empower your team and give them the knowledge and confidence to tackle new challenges.

Our expertises

Sustainable finance

L’ESG est la réponse incontournable aux nouvelles attentes des clients.

La demande croissante des investisseurs, de l’intégration d’une stratégie ISR dans la gestion de leurs investissements, poussent les Asset Managers à transformer leurs offres.

Où en êtes-vous dans votre stratégie ESG ? Découvrez notre matrice de maturité et les étapes clés de la mise en oeuvre d’une stratégie ESG.

Risks and Compliance

The implementation of regulatory dispositions is still an important issue for banking and financial institutions. Faced with an increasingly challenging compliance framework, they must adapt their approach while ensuring that the customer experience is not affected. It’s time to focus on compliance as a service to remain « compliant » and generate results.

Transformation Data : Relever le défi

Améliorer sa proposition de valeur et sa performance opérationnelle : La promesse de la donnée.

Un projet Data dans une entreprise peut impacter positivement l’ensemble de l’organisation si celui-ci est correctement mené. Néanmoins, au sein du secteur financier, plusieurs acteurs ont lancé des projets Data qui n’ont pas tenu leur promesse malgré des budgets conséquents et des technologies mâtures. 

Découvrez notre approche qui garantit la réussite d’un projet Data.

Our business cases

Création d’outils industriels de traitement de données ESG

French version | Finance durable | Data Centric |

Etude de marché pour prestation de transparisation

French version | Risque, Réglementations et Conformité

“J’ai un très grand plaisir à travailler avec Grégoire HUG et ses collaborateurs, Chloé et Pierrick. Je suis en présence de personnes talentueuses et très professionnelles  avec un domaine d’expertise précieux pour ma part (SII et ISR). Je recommande WeeFin !”

CNP Assurances
Direction des investissements

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